
Welcome to the portal that is FlowForm.

Here, I guide people to tap into their Flow and make authentic Form through the bridge of an open heart.

In FlowForm Repatterning work, I read where you are blocked in the natural movement from accessing the life force (Flow) and expressing your truth in the world (Form). I coach you in removing internal belief & behavior patterns - survival systems - from your childhood that are now blocking the path to your authentic expression.

I am guided by intuitive listening, psychic gifts of hearing, seeing, and feeling, and combine these with the power of mental distillation and strategic thinking. I employ a theory of 3 channelled Archetypes that sketch common narrative arcs found in the FlowForm journey to offer you a map to bring forth your essential and unique power.

While we use our conscious mind to bring awareness to your survival systems, the making is the healing. Real transformation comes when you begin to make from an authentic place. Helping to initiate the pattern of tuning into your Flow, and walking the heart bridge to Form, is the art of FlowForm coaching.

The practice is the practice of life.

Listen to a FlowForm session:

1) Ashley is called to Joy

Ashley joined me at a very heavy crossroads moment, hoping to reconnect with her North. Back in her childhood bedroom, our FlowForm session uncovered an inherited pattern around hard work and a call to choose joy. I am so grateful for Ashley’s generosity in sharing her story. Her openness, self-awareness, and courage were a gift I received and am honored to pass on.

May you answer the call of Joy, too.

*CONTENT WARNING: This conversation touches on topics of overdose and addiction (starting at 11 mins). If you are personally triggered by these topics please make sure you are well supported to receive the healing here.

2) Jo-Anne opens up to Dreaming

I invited Jo-Anne to FlowForm following a workshop with our healer-business group (“the pod”) thinking we were going to deepen into finding Form for her work, The Energetic Well. As is so often with these sessions, the first door is never the final one. While we identified a childhood pattern around success/failure performance metrics, in digging deeper, we learned she was really here to open up to the possibility of Dreaming again. Her childhood trauma surfaced in the final ten minutes of the conversation, a final, beautiful act of openness that left me moved and grateful.

May you open up to the possibility of your Dreams, too.

*CONTENT WARNING: This conversation touches upon child sexual assault at 46:50 mins. If you are personally triggered by this topic, please make sure you are well supported to receive the healing here.

3) Nilesh claims his Artist

Nilesh came in for FlowForm ready to step fully into his Artist path. As a creative at a tech giant, we talked about whether or not to quit his job, how his childhood experiences shape the spiritual purpose of his Art, and began to concretely craft the Form (here: an Artist Statement) needed to ground his purpose in the real world. This session sings with the richness of Nilesh’s energy and the beautiful “in-betweenness” of his life story. I am honored to support his openness to create new possibility for himself, and through that - his heart-work of bringing voice to the voiceless and visibility to those whose stories are not often told.

May you claim your inner Artist, too.