What is a Flower Essence?

A vibrational remedy (*trace amounts of actual plant matter) for healing the mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Flower Essences balance any imbalances to bring us back into the frequency of the Earth. They are magic, not science (yet). They are subtle: you most likely will not feel them… but subtle is powerful. While you’re not looking, things will shift.

What’s materially in them?

  1. Flower Spirits: Specifically: Bach Flowers, FES Flowers, and handmade ones from my garden. For all except the Crossroads one, there are 7 flowers blended together (the maximum you can energetically take).

    *The Crossroads has 6: you can add one more that is tailored to your specific pattern. Pop in for a1:1 if you want guidance as to what that might be.

  2. Water: Mostly pure spring water.

  3. Brandy: To seal & preserve. Approximately 1/3 of the bottle is fancy French brandy. If you can’t handle even a tiny bit of alcohol (as in, 4 drops at a time), please reach out and I can make you one made with vegetable glycerin.

  4. Magic: These essences are crafted through ritual.

How did you come up with the formulas?

FlowForm is the journey I have been on now for over a decade. I learned the art of Flower Essence making just as COVID hit the world. The Flowers who have supported me, are the ones I offer to you.

How do I take it?

Align to the vibration of the plants by taking:

  1. 4 drops directly on the tongue.

  2. If you can’t remember that, add 10 drops to a water bottle that you sip throughout the day.

This is about frequency, not quantity… you want to check in with the flowers like you might with a new friend: a little bit, all day long. It takes about 3 days for you to start the relationship.

Can I take this if I am on SSRIs, am pregnant, or am a child/dog?

Yes! Flower essences are vibrational only.

I’m skeptical.

That’s ok! You don’t need to believe in the theory for the essences to work. Just take them and observe how you feel. Many times our skepticism is an internal voice who is here to protect you. Say thank you, tell them you are safe, and take the flowers. If this is you, I recommend starting with Creative Juice (to trust the Flow), and then moving onto Through the Crossroads (to re-pattern the protective pattern).

Also, reading Robin Wall Kimmerer’s work helps us to break down colonized ideas around consciousness. As an indigenous scientist, she speaks about plants from an intersection of Western and Native American (Potawatomi Nation) knowledge. One big takeaway for me from engaging with this work: plants are conscious beings, too.