
Welcome to the portal that is FlowForm.

Here, I help identify where you are blocked in the natural movement from accessing the life force (Flow) and expressing your truth in the world (Form). I coach you in removing internal patterns (survival systems) from childhood development that are now blocking the path of authentic expression.

I am guided by intuitive listening, psychic gifts of hearing, seeing, and feeling, and combine these with the power of mental distillation and strategic thinking. I employ a theory of 3 channelled Archetypes that sketch common narrative arcs found in the FlowForm journey to offer you a map to bring forth your essential and unique power.

While we use our conscious mind to bring awareness to your survival systems, the making is the healing. Real transformation comes when you begin to make from an authentic place. Helping to initiate the pattern of tuning into your Flow, and walking the heart bridge to Form, is the art of FlowForm coaching.

The practice is the practice of life.

FlowForm Pattern Identification

30 mins | $111

In this session (previously called Crossroads Coaching), I work to identify the internal pattern blocking your Flow from finding its authentic Form.

The obstructions to the FlowForm channel are internal patterns, created in childhood as survival systems to overcome a specific developmental situation or environment.

Because they were our safety mechanism, our nervous system associates these patterns as safety. Once we bring conscious awareness to the pattern, we can retrain our systems that our authentic expression is safe and necessary.

FlowForm Repatterning

60 mins | $222

Once we have identified your obstruction, I can coach you to re-patterning. This coaching touches everything, because your pattern will impact your entire ecosystem: work, relationships, body, home, internal storytelling, and spiritual practices.

For opening up to more Flow, I will pull from my own spiritual education. I may custom design rituals, suggest plant medicine, point you to books, and help you identify your natural connection to Flow.

For crystallizing into your authentic Form, I will advise wearing the hats of communications craft and cultural analysis. For more hands-on support as a co-creator in any project, see the next offering!

Formwork: Creative Development

Workshop length depending on your needs, in increments of 30 mins at $125.

The making is the healing. Once we understand the pattern blocking your authentic expression, we also understand how to approach your creative work in a way that encourages its emergence.

Identifying the FlowForm obstruction offers you a filter to apply to your work in process: your website, your business offerings, a soul retrieval ritual, your artist statement, your career options, or an email.

This hands-on session generates tangible material in your Form of choice. We practice making from the authentic place to kickstart the muscle of your authentic expression.

FlowForm Archetype Assessment

30 mins | $111

I read patterns: that is how I find the FlowForm obstruction. In doing this work, I started to see patterns in the patterns. From here, the FlowForm Archetypes were born.

Channelled information led me to understand these Archetypes are related to windows of childhood development (0-5, 6-11, 11-18). Each Archetype has unique challenges to overcome, gifts of the journey, and spirit medicine to offer.

In identifying your Archetype, I am able to offer you a narrative arc to frame your experience and map your journey to authentic expression.

Formwork: Holding Hands

Pay what feels like a good yoga stretch.

Since 2016, I have been supporting people 1:1 as they launch or re-launch a brand - or are ready to step into the next ring of power.

In this role, I walk with you along the journey of making and healing, helping to clear the way as we build your authentic form. Think of me as your birth partner as you bring your Form baby (and yourself in the process) into existence. This relationship normally lasts 3-6 months.

Because it’s FlowForm, this work is equally about shifting any internal patterns that obstruct your authentic expression and rolling up the sleeves to look at moodboards, taglines, newsletters, audience mindsets, narrative arcs, and vibration.

If you want to chat about any of the above, you’re welcome to chat for a Quick Natter, or to email saga@sagablane.com.

BIPOC clients and artists, caretakers, or other collectively financially undervalued professionals are always sliding scale. Please reach out directly to saga@sagablane.com or DM me on instagram @sagablane for the booking code!

I learned that the in Native American traditions the bridge between Father Sky and Mother Earth is the heart from The Four-Fold Way: Walking the Paths of the Warrior, Teacher, Healer, and Visionary by Angeles Arrien. In gratitude for the many ancient voices whose names have been lost but who can still be heard, calling us to remember the ways of the heart.